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Feeling old?
Amy Bardack
Catherine Barbieri
Stephanie Bartee


Lynn Schmeidler, Janet (Hoffman) Beckerman, Louis Moskowitz, Katie (McGuane) Maloney, Erin Constabile, Sara Lesch, Amy Bardack, among others

It's hard to summarize 20 years, but here it goes. After college in New York, I studied to be a rabbi and married Jared Magnani (also a Columbia graduate). We lived in California for a few years, and then moved back to this coast. We are now living in the Boston area with our two kids, Ilan (3) and Orelle (18 months). I am working at a Jewish day school, and pretending to be a grown-up. I'm having trouble accepting that our 20th reunion is coming; it really feels like high school was just a few short years ago.